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  • Anbalaba Village

    « Anbalaba », a genuine place of life and harmony

    Located in the heights of Baie du Cap and open to both the IRS’ residents and inhabitants of the local area, this village within a village sets itself apart thanks to its perfect assimilation into the local environment, its vocation to be a place for sharing and exchange, and its desire to both preserve and enhance the local heritage.


Restaurants au Village d'Anbalaba

La boulangerie au Village d'Anbalaba

Faire ses courses au Village d'Anbalaba

Etre au spa @Anbalaba

Les boutiques d'artisanat mauricien

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TypeError: anbalaba_api_simple_sitemap_links_alter(): Argument #2 ($context) must be of type Drupal\simple_sitemap\SimpleSitemapContext, Drupal\simple_sitemap\Entity\SimpleSitemap given, called in /home/anbalaba/www/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleHandler.php on line 459 in anbalaba_api_simple_sitemap_links_alter() (line 83 of modules/custom/anbalaba_api/anbalaba_api.module).